Find the value for any record for just $1.00 (no maximum-no minimum)
Get you results within 24 hours.
For the most accurate appraisal, be sure to include as much of the following as you can:
- Recording artist
- Title of record
- Name of record label (RCA, Capitol, Columbia, Decca, etc.)
- Catalog number on cover or label (usually 2 or 3 letters followed by a set of numbers)
The cost is as follows: $1.00 per record
Email your list to Number the records you list and keep a copy. Your appraisal for each record will be e-mailed back to you by corresponding number.
To pay, click on the “Add to Cart” button.
Then just put the total number of records in the “quantity box.” You will be charged $1.00 per record. You will receive your appraisals within 24 hours. Each customer will also receive Mighty John’s professional advice on the best way to sell records.
All appraisals are done by Mighty John the Record Guy.